The meat is widely described as tasting like dark chicken. The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means “loose, fat flesh”. More recently, squab meat comes almost entirely from domesticated pigeons. The meat of dove and pigeon gamebirds hunted primarily for sport is rarely called squab.


The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means "loose, fat flesh". It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the 

dialectal Swed. skvabb loose or fat flesh, skvabba fat… squab (n.) 1680s, "very young bird," earlier (1630s) "unformed, lumpish person" and used at various times for any sort of flabby mass, such as sofa cushions; probably from a Scandinavian word (compare dialectal Swedish skvabb "loose or fat flesh," skvabba "fat woman"), from Proto-Germanic * (s)kwab-. Klein lists cognates in Old Prussian gawabo 2021-03-26 2021-04-07 squab. (skwɒb) n., pl. squabs, ( esp. collectively for 1 ) squab, n. 1.


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Skvink över Skvalpa över. Skvitter När det faller bara några regndroppar. Skväl Skrika, gråta. Skvättut  Man torde därför kunna dra slutsatsen att det fanns ett gemensamt germanskt ord med stammen skvabb. Ordet är konstigt nog inte upptaget i svenskan  Edet.

The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means " loose, fat flesh". It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the 

collectively for 1 ) squab, n. 1. a nestling pigeon, marketed when fully grown but still unfledged.


Termen är troligen av skandinaviskt ursprung; det svenska ordet skvabb betyder "löst, fett kött". Det tillämpas tidigare på alla duva och duva 

Vad händer nu stirrade jag. Vi måste packa BB-väskan och ringa mormor, hon får ha lillan så länge, sa hon. Mmm sa jag. med hink och skvabb fejade däc ket. Då måste man rädda sig un dan vattenfloden in i hytten på övre däck, dit de andra av säll skapet också samlades, dock icke.

Termen är troligen av skandinaviskt ursprung; det svenska ordet skvabb betyder "löst, fett kött". Det tillämpas tidigare på alla duva och duva  Jag, på gott och ont vet vad skvabb är.
Höja upp sängen förvaring

A soft, thick cushion, as for a couch. b. A couch. adj. Young and undeveloped; newly hatched squab (skwŏb) n.

Ordformer. ( squ-, sqv-) Etymologi. [ jfr sv.
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The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means "loose, fat flesh". It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the wood pigeon, the mourning dove, the extinct-in-the-wild socorro dove, and the now-extinct passenger pigeon, and their meat.

a short, stout person. The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means "loose, fat flesh". It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the wood pigeon, the mourning dove, the extinct-in-the-wild socorro dove, and the now-extinct passenger pigeon, and their meat.